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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 21 Apr

Signs are used for all kinds of situations.  They are used to keep people safe on our roads by giving speed restrictions.  The sign will tell you how fast you can travel through road works.   A sign will tell where you are in a city or town.  A sign will tell you the load limit on a bridge.

Jesus said to the crowds gathering around him that he would give them a sign.  The sign of Jonah.  Jonah was a prophet who went to Nineveh to pronounce judgement.  The Ninevites repent

The Queen of Sheba travelled a long way to hear the wisdom of Solomon.  In Jonah’s situation the people repented, but not the generation Jesus is speaking to.  The Queen travelled along way to hear one greater than Solomon and yet the gathered crowd has no desire to hear Jesus, the one greater than those who have gone before.

The sign of Jonah ties to the death and resurrection of Jesus.The Ninevites were not expecting someone to come back from the dead after three days.Nor were they expecting Jesus to come back from the dead after three days.We can give thanks for the sign of Jonah.