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Rev's Ramblings

Sun 16 Jun

There are many banquets, feast and parties we will be invited to during our life here on earth. It might be a wedding banquet. It might be a Christmas feast. It might be a 21st Birthday party. They are all designed to celebrate something.You receive an invitation in the mail, or by an email, and you sent...

Sun 9 Jun

As Jesus was travelling from town to town and village to village He was asked a question, ‘Are only a few people going to be saved? Why the question was asked we are not told. Perhaps the disciples had seen how few had responded to the gospel as Jesus preached. May be the disciples had grandiose visions...

Sun 2 Jun

Followers of Jesus have been asking about the Kingdom of God and what it will be like.  How would you describe the Kingdom?  What would you compare it to?  Jesus describes it this way.  The least in the Kingdom, some one like a hunched over woman will be welcomed.  Such a...

Sun 26 May

When we hear the word repent we can be a little troubled by it, and particularly when it is in a “Command form.” It usually means that some changes are needed on our behalf. To repent means to turn away from something, and to turn to something else. If I repent of my lack of mercy. It means I turn...

Sun 19 May

One can be forgiven in the last few weeks that the inhabitants of planet Earth have gone a little crazy if not mad.  Our news media tell us of wars and rumours of war the like of which we have not seen for decades,  We hear of youth attacking youth for no apparent reason except to show...

Sun 5 May

What is your goal in life? What are you seeking to achieve in life? There would be a multitude of answers to such a question. It could be to the richest person in the world. It could be to be the first Australian female astronaut. It could be the fastest 100 metre runner, It could be owner of the most...

Sun 28 Apr

We don’t think too much about bread. We pick up a loaf of bread from the supermarket or bakery without a thought as to what goes into making that loaf that you are about to cut up and put your vegemite all over it. We forget that time is needed for the almost invisible yeast to do its work of making...

Sun 21 Apr

Signs are used for all kinds of situations.  They are used to keep people safe on our roads by giving speed restrictions.  The sign will tell you how fast you can travel through road works.   A sign will tell where you are in a city or town.  A sign will tell...

Sun 14 Apr

In looking at Jesus from Luke’s Gospel, we are coming to a point where followers of Jesus are beginning to wonder where does Jesus get his power / strength from to do all that He does. Most people would be exhausted or burnt out in reaching this point of the ministry. Where does Jesus get the power...

Sun 17 Mar

Jesus, as was his usual custom, was off praying, presumably in a secluded place. He wanted time alone with the Father. What they have discussed we are not told. But it was important they spend time together as the triune God – the father, son, and Holy Spirit coming together to discuss forthcoming...
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