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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 18 Jun

Aussie Rules can bring out many emotions in people. When a player on your side gives away a free kick in front of opponent's goal, there are the apt comments from the spectators, "Whose side are you on, giving them an easy goal?" Apostle Paul is about to challenge his readers as to whose side they are on. Paul will make the case that there are only two groups of people in the world. There may be many AFL teams, but when it comes to people, there are only two groups of people. Those who are in Adam and those who are in Christ. When we start examining both Adam and Christ we see there are some similarities. Both Adam and Christ had a huge impact on mankind. We cannot deny that. We also see some differences. We see that in Adam, through his lack of obedience, brought sin into the world. He missed the mark in regard to God's goodness to him in the garden. When he couldn't eat from the tree he thought God was holding out on him. When Adam sinned death entered the world. We see that in Christ, He brought the gift of grace. But not only did He bring grace, He also brought life. Many remember Jesus' words in John 10:10, "I have come that they may have life and have it to the fullest."This leaves us with a choice. We continue in the path of Adam or follow in Christ. Do we want to continue on the path of sin and death, or yield to the path of grace and life?