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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 23 Jul

There are many struggles we face in life. What is a struggle for one is not so much of a struggle for another. For your situation, it might be the daily struggle of putting sufficient food on the table or being able to pay the electricity bill. Paul in Romans 7 confesses the struggle he faces on a daily basis to do the right thing. He admits that the very thing he wants to do he does not do and the very thing he does not want to do he does. You might ask, "Surely a Christian would no face such struggles?" They do! The struggles will vary from person to person. The struggle might be to read God's Word on a regular basis. I know I want to do it, but I end up not reading. I want to spend more time in prayer, but I end up spending less time in prayer and more time reading the paper or watching TV. The very thing I want to do, I don't do is Paul's cry. Or I go and do things I don't want to do. Perhaps your struggle is with the words Satan whispers in your ear. How can you be a Christian if you are doing that? And so you can be a Christian if you are doing that? And so you continually face a battle as to whom to believe when such thoughts are whispered. As you ponder Paul's experience and the struggle he faced, what is your experience of the Christian struggle? We need to heed Paul's admonition that there is only one who can help us in our struggle - Jesus Christ. Are you feeling wretched as a result of the struggle? Then turn to Christ for help.