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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 25 Oct

Ministry comes in all shapes and sizes. What is your ministry? It could be you have a ministry of preaching the gospel. It could be that you exercise a one on one evangelism ministry. It could be that you have a hospitality ministry – you enjoy serving cuppas. It could be that you have a passion for children and enjoy teaching Sunday School. It could be that you enjoy serving so you take it upon yourself to make sure the grass gets mowed.

What is your ministry or ministries? In reflecting on your ministry what would it mean to have that ministry fail? Paul writes of the ministry to the Thessalonians. “You know, brothers, that our visit to you was not a failure.” What would tempt Paul to say that the ministry was a failure? The church in Thessalonica was established midst trial and tribulation. There were citizens of the city who did no want the Christian church planted in the city. They stirred up enough trouble that saw the Christians hauled before the law courts and have to pay fines for the privilege of being a Christian.

As Paul reflects on the short time in Thessalonica (a matter of weeks), he wondered how the church would fare. Despite the mission team departing, the church continued to grow. God ensured that the Word that was planted, took root, was watered, and grew. It is a fulfillment of Jesus’ words, “the gates of Hades will not overcome it”. What is your ministry?