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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 30 Aug

Sixty million refugees worldwide seems like a staggering amount.  No one really knows the exact number of people displaced from their homeland.  Australia’s population sits at just over 23 million, it gives you an idea of the size of the problem.  Many are seeking shelter, safety, and security.  A place they can call home.  Our heart goes out to those we see on the news media each night as they try to find a place they can call home without fear of losing their life.  In the beginning man had a safe and secure place to live, but as we saw last week in Genesis Three Adam blew it and was banished from the Garden of Eden.  God was not about to give up on man.  He called Abram to leave the safety and security of his home and extended family to come and live in a place he had never been to and a people he did not know.  He and his family were strangers in a strange land. Yet in this strange land, God gave Abram several promises in Genesis 12 and 15.  God promised to protect him.  It would be promise put to the test as he was surrounded with kings and armies.  God promised him a child and he would be the father of a mighty nation.  The promise seemed laughable as he and his wife were getting on in years.  God promised Abram land.  A promise that appeared very remote as he didn’t even own any land in this strange land God had brought them to. Yet Abram believed God.  He carefully considered all the facts and realized the only one who could fulfill the promises was God Himself.  Have you checked out the promises God has made to the Christian?  Do you trust Him to fulfill them?