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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 30 Jul

We live in a community where there are many different notions of how we might be more godly and right with God. For some religions, it is a matter of keeping to the rules and you will get there. For others it depends on what your previous life like. For some it does not matter because there is no God nor is there life to come. What of the Christian? What does He believe in regard to being more godly and being right with God? Paul in Romans 8 answers those questions and concerns. Upfront Paul says there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. You could almost hear the angels in heaven silenced as they allow those words to sink in. You could hear the Christians Paul is writing to flabbergasted when they hear those words. How could a righteous and holy God simply say that sinful and wicked person over there whether they be a murderer or a gossip, a drunkard or an adulterer, or a sinner like you and me, how could God say we are not condemned and yet He does. Of course that promise is not for everyone. Paul makes it clear that the promise is for those in Christ Jesus. How could God no longer condemn those sinners? It is simple, the sins we committed are condemned in Jesus Christ. Our sins do not go unpunished. They are punished in Jesus. How gracious is God in doing that for us? That He would send His own Son to die our death so that we would not perish. If you want to be godly and right with God then invite Jesus into your life. You will be amazed at how gracious is our God.