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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 31 Dec

It is that time of year when people look at the year just gone and ponder the year that is about to unfold. When you think back twelve months ago, can you remember the resolutions that you made? Are they still in action now or were they promptly forgotten? Maybe for you the year about to start comes with changes. Moving to a different school class or a new teacher brings changes. Perhaps the changes for you are the commencement of a job or studies at university. Maybe for you the new year brings changes to your family situation. Psalm 1 instructs us that there are two ways we can walk when approaching all these changes. We can either walk the way of those who would seek to mock the Christian faith that we claim to profess. Or we can walk the way God's Word, the Bible directs us to. It does not matter what changes or decision or challenge we are facing, we can take delight in knowing that God's Word will direct and guide our lives. We can take comfort in knowing that the Lord will watch over our way. As we look ahead at 2018 what changes would we like to see in our lives in twelve months times? If we want to know more of Jesus Christ what will we build into our lives to see that happen? If we want to bear fruit, the writer of Psalm 1 speaks of what do we need to cultivate in our lives for that to happen. As you head into 2018 prayerfully consider the way God will have you walk with him.