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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 5 Mar

Who is Jesus? What response would the average Aussie give in response to such a question? An increasing number would say, "I don't know!" or, "Haven't heard of him!" Some might say Jesus was a good moral person. Or he had some good insight into teaching. Some might even say as some dictionaries do, "It is a swear word, isn't it?" When Jesus asked His own followers who He was, they came back with the response that Jesus was a prophet of some sort. Then Peter gave this response to Jesus, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." The Christ being the anointed one whom God was sending. And Jesus made it plain that Peter could not have gained the knowledge unless His Father in heaven had revealed it. "Who is Jesus?" The Christian makes the claim that Jesus is God. Such a claim would have seen people charged with blasphemy. Jesus is the One who deals with our sin by purifying us with His own blood. Jesus is the One who sits at God's right hand in charge of the Kingdom of God. Jesus is the One who is at the centre of God's plans for creation. Jesus is the one who came to serve not to be served. Jesus is One who came to save us from our sins. Jesus is the One whom all things will be placed under His headship. "Who is Jesus?" We readily say what other people think of Jesus. But Jesus asks, "Who do you say I am?" Such a question requires a personal response. If you are asked, "Who do you say Jesus is?"