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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 7 Jun

One would think that a few lines on the sacraments would be fairly straight forward. And yet there are differences – some minor, some major. Sacrament originally meant both “a thing set apart as sacred” and “a military oath of obedience.” The Presbyterian church along with most protestant churches recognizes two sacraments – that of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

The sacraments are signs of God’s covenant of grace. They serve as reminders that God in His grace is rescuing or saving a people for Himself. We are reminded of this in Revelation 21 where God says, “I will be their God and they will be my people.” God did not have to save anyone, but He did through His Son Jesus Christ.

Baptism serves as a reminder that it is only though Christ that we can have our sins dealt with and are purified and cleansed. Everytime we witness a baptism the sacrament serves as a reminder that there is only one way to have our sins dealt with. How have you dealt with your sins?

When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, it too serves to remind us that it is through Jesus’ shed blood and death on the cross that our sins are dealt with, we receive forgiveness, and we are granted eternal life. The next time you read the institution of the Lord’s Supper or celebrate the Lord’s Supper be reminded that Jesus gave His life so that you could live. What are you reminded of as you take part in the sacraments?