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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 25 Jul

Jesus enjoyed telling stories. If we had been there we possibly would have seen a smile on His face as he gathered people around Him from all walks of life – tax collectors, farmers, cooks, cleaners, fishermen, religious types, and the list goes on. As they gathered Jesus would spin a story and interweave it into the fabric of their lives. 

His disciples often had front row seats when such stories were being told, but just because they had those seats, it did not mean they fully understood. Like the rest they needed God’s help to open their eyes to what Jesus is saying. 

Like the story today which revolves around a father and his sons. The father asked his sons to go and work in the vineyard. One son said he would not, but later had a change of heart and went. The other son said he would, but he too had a change of heart and did not go. Then Jesus asked a question, “Which one did what the father wanted?” The gathered crowd responded, “The first!” 

Then Jesus dropped a bombshell on them as to who the sons are. Read the story as to who the people are who are doing what the father wants. And while we read have a think about which son or daughter are you in the parable? While you are at it does the story Jesus told ask you to do anything if we are going to be a follower of Jesus? If so what needs to be done? Perhaps we need Jesus to open our eyes?