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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 26 Feb

What does it mean to walk by faith? We might say we walk by faith but what does such a walk look like? Should we pick up the faith chapter of Hebrews 11. “By Faith” is a repeated phrase. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” 

In Joshua 3 we have an illustration of walking by faith. By faith, Joshua and the Israelites got to the water’s edge of the flooded Jordan River. 

By faith Joshua and the people were to cross over. Now they could have sat down on the water’s edge and waited for the water to subside. But that was not the instruction and command they were given. When they got to the water’s edge they were to keep walking into the water. It was by faith that the water stopped flowing. It was by faith they crossed over on dry ground. They could have sat on the river bank for months and not crossed. Instead, by faith Joshua was certain God would hold back the water. 

Is God asking you to do something by faith? What ministry is God asking you to take on by faith? Whatever it is God will be there with you to enable you to walk.