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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 27 Mar

Are we reading right? Did the writer of Ecclesiastes actually say, “Enjoy life.” Surely we misread it. But no, we are reading it correctly, enjoy life. Enjoy food! Enjoy a drink! Enjoy your wife or your husband! And enjoy life with gladness. There would be some who would see Christianity as a list of do’s and don’ts. Something that would be seen as not enjoyable at all. Of course we could argue that Solomon, being King, had the resources to enjoy life. He did not have to worry about where his next meal was coming from. However, as we think about it, we as children of the King of kings should enjoy what our King has given us. Our heavenly Father has given us food to enjoy, drink to enjoy, our marriage partners to enjoy, and to be glad. Also remember He has given us life. When Jesus spoke of being the shepherd of His people, we read in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” We have read Solomon right. God desires that we enjoy life and all that He has given us. What are you able to enjoy today?