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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 30 Jan

As you look around the world at the present moment “Are you able to make sense of what is happening?” We have natural disasters such as the underwater volcano erupting off Tonga. We have an ice storm in the US. And of course, there is the everpresent COVID and its various strains. Then there is the terrorist attacks which can strike at any moment. We could add more to the list. Yet as we look at our world, we wonder what is going on. Or perhaps we feel a little like Solomon, who in his own thoughts set his heart and mind to try and work out what is taking place. I am sure that Solomon is not alone as he penned the words of the book of Ecclesiastes. He starts with the confronting statement, “Everything is meaningless!” It forces us to ponder what is going on in this world created by God. If everything is meaningless does that mean that the destruction caused by natural disasters has no purpose? That the sudden death of a loved one serves no purpose. Or even more confronting that God has no control over these events. Or, maybe, like Solomon, ewe need to do some exploration and research in the Book of Ecclesiastes to discover what God is doing. We may even discover that under God, life is not meaningless.