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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 18 Jul

Living in the electronic age there is a variety of communication means open to us. There are emails, texting, phones, various forms of ZOOM, twitter, and perhaps we have not heard of yet.

When Apostle Paul wanted to communicate a message, he had two means open to him. He could write his thoughts on a scroll and then get it hand delivered to the intended recipients.  

Paul was in the throes of finishing his letter to the young in the faith Christians at Ephesus. He had taught them of who the creator, redeemer God is. He had taught them as to what sort of response is required to this God.  He had taught them about Christian relationships and behaviour.  He had taught them as to what armour to put on as a Christian.

Now, Paul is about to finish the letter. He has one rather surprising request.  Pray for me!  Paul is humble enough to admit that he needs help. He does not try and tough it out with a stiff upper lip. He humbles himself in prayer and requests help in ministry. He cries out for help in speaking the right words fearlessly.  

It is a request we all should be making. Paul is showing by example that the Ephesian Christians should not be afraid to pray and ask for help. May we learn from the example Paul sets for us.