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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 17 Apr

The Easter Calendar is a time when Christians pause and reflect on what the creator God has done in sending a Saviour into the world. Palm Sunday is a time to reflect on the anointed King entering into the city of Jerusalem. A time when an enthusiastic crowd welcomes the King. 

Good Friday is a time to contemplate the death of the King, and what the implications for us are as His subjects. 

Then there is an unforgettable event on Easter Sunday – the Son of God, Jesus Christ, rising from the dead. We had a taste of the resurrection when Jesus died and the graves burst open, and the risen people go walking in the city. An interesting experience! 

While we talk about being prepared for death, which is a wise thing to do. Have we prepared ourselves for the resurrection? For it is there that we will meet the all-powerful creator God. Are we ready to meet the risen Lord? The women who went to the tomb on that Sunday were expecting a body, not the resurrected Lord. Jesus’ followers were expecting a dead Jesus? How wrong could they be? What are you expecting?