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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 19 May

One can be forgiven in the last few weeks that the inhabitants of planet Earth have gone a little crazy if not mad.  Our news media tell us of wars and rumours of war the like of which we have not seen for decades,  We hear of youth attacking youth for no apparent reason except to show off.  Then there is the justice struggling.  Criminals knowing they will walk.

Where will it all end?  Enouh is enough is the cry!  

As Christians we know where it will all end!  The return of Christ is imminent.  But how bad will it get before He does return.  The apostle Paul wrote to a young pastor, Timothy, explaining how evil it will get.  The love of many will grow cold.  Children will show no respect for parents.  And the list Paul compiles grows.

Does the list sound anything like the 21st century?  

What are we to do while we wait the return of Jesus?  We are to be ready for his return.  We are to seek our heavenly Father’s will.  What does He want us to do?  Place our trust in Christ.  Make people aware of the times in which we live.  The answer to the challenges in which we live is to allow Christ control.  Hand the steering wheel to Jesus.  Unlike the self drive cars which do crash, hand the steering wheel to Christ and allow him to drive your life.