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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 10 Apr

In the Christian calendar there are several events that are celebrated. At Christmas we remember the birth of the Saviour, Jesus Christ. On Good Friday we are reminded of the death of the Saviour as He was nailed to the cross. Easter Sunday commemorates the resurrection of Jesus and those famous words spoken by the angel, “He is not here, He is risen!” 

In the lead up to Easter is the celebration of Palm Sunday. An event where Jesus enters Jerusalem with the crowds crying out, 

“Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the 

name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” 

Was the crowd that was gathering at the entrance to the city gates and looking for a Saviour, finally recognizing Jesus as the long awaited for Saviour and King? 

As we ponder that first Palm Sunday and the noise and busyness of the chaos as Jesus rode in, Jesus, at long last is now proclaiming His kingship. He is the One they are seeking. If we were in the crowd that day, would we have cheered Jesus on? Would we say that we are on His side? The side of the King of kings who is gentle and bringing peace?