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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 7 Feb

We have reached the end of our brief sojourn into the Book of Psalms. We started with the gateway psalm which launched us into the psalms, namely Psalm One. Then we looked at each of the psalms which started each of the five books in the psalms. Now we come to the conclusion with Psalm 150. 

If you have read all 150 psalms what conclusion would you draw as you get to the final verse. Would you not be in agreement with the psalm writer? “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!” Having read all the psalms, the psalms of praise, the psalms of thanksgiving, the psalms pointing to the Messiah. The imprecatory psalms. Would you not come to a conclusion with three simple English words – “Praise the LORD.” 

Praise God for all that He has revealed of Himself through the psalms. He has revealed that He is a God of mercy and justice. A God of immense power who can dry up rivers or make them flow again. A God who delights in providing wisdom and instruction for His followers. A God who steps into rescue His people who are caught up in the various storms of life. 

What conclusion would you draw from spending time in the psalms. Yes! We would want to praise the Lord. And maybe even ask God to reveal more of Himself to you.