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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 26 May

When we hear the word repent we can be a little troubled by it, and particularly when it is in a “Command form.” It usually means that some changes are needed on our behalf. To repent means to turn away from something, and to turn to something else. 

If I repent of my lack of mercy. It means I turn away from being unmerciful, and I turn to being merciful. There are many things we can repent of. Some of the things we might choose to repent of could include character traits. I should repent of my outbursts of anger. I turn away from my anger. What then should I turn to? Do I turn to being gentle? I will let you work out what you should repent of. 

One thing we do need to turn away from is something we do most days. We repent in God’s presence of going our own way. It is something we need to examine our lives daily of. I repent of going my own way, and turn to going God’s way. It might sound simple to say that, but in practise it is extremely challenging. 

Consider what you need to repent of today? It might be a character trait. It might be your relationship with God that requires work on. Jesus gives a challenge in Luke 13. “Repent or Perish!” Which will it be as you seek to follow the one true God. Remember God will walk with you as you repent!!!