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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 15 May

The cross, death, burial, and resurrection have all taken place. Jesus now sends out His workers into the world to establish the church. They meet in Jerusalem prior to going. They go east, west, north, south with a simple message. “The kingdom of Christ has come.” Some The message they bring is strange to many, particularly the news that a man has risen from the dead. 

One of those early followers, Paul, took this good news to many areas and cities. One such city was Philippi. A largely pagan city with many Roman retirees. Paul’s initial contact with the city saw the establishment of a church – a group of believers who loved the Son of God – Jesus Christ. 

A decade later and Paul desires to hear how the church is going from such small beginnings. He did not have access to a website or an email. Instead, he writes to them. 

In a deeply personal letter filled with joy, he writes of his own personal situation, and gives instruction to them on prayer. A prayer that would see their love increase and abound. What can we pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ?