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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 20 Jun

What thought do you give to the clothes you will wear? If you are digging in the garden or changing the oil in your car, you, in all likelihood will not wear a suit or your best skirt. If you are invited to a wedding or a funeral, you are not going to turn up in your mechanics overalls covered in oil or grease. If you receive an invite for a high tea with the Queen or the Prime Minister what will you wear? 

In Ephesians 4 Paul explores the question of what clothing does the Christian wear? What clothes does the Christian put off? What clothes does the Christian put on? Remember these are young in the faith Christians who have come out of false belief systems. So the question of what clothing a Christian wears if a valid one for this young church. It is still a valid question for young in the faith Christians today. 

Although Paul’s clothing list is not exhaustive, it provides us with an idea of what to put off or on. There are clothes that revolve around the use of our tongue. Put off falsehood. Speak truthfully to your neighbour. No unwholesome talk. Be kind and compassionate. Forgive each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. 

Are there clothes you need to put off? Are there clothes you need to put on? What steps will you take to put on the right clothes?