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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 8 Oct

We face temptations every day. Some temptations are good, some not so good, some we would not even consider to be temptations. 

For example there is the temptation to spend an extra few minutes of sleep in the morning. And before we know it we are late for work, or late for church. It is tempting to try and gain a few extra minutes of sleep. 

Of course, there are many types of temptations. May be you struggle with a chocolate temptation. You would not be the only one. But that is no excuse for yielding to temptation. 

We come once again to Luke’s gospel and we see Jesus facing temptation. There is the temptation thrown at Him by the devil to doubt who He is. “If you are the Son of God then turn this stone into bread.” The devil is tempting Jesus, trying to get Jesus to doubt who He is. “If” you are the Son of God! 

There are times when the devil whispers in our ear, “You are not a child of God. Look at how you live your life. The devil is saying to Jesus, unless you turn this stone into bread, you cannot possibly be the Son of God. 

Jesus rose to the challenge of dealing with the temptation. He quotes the Scriptures. “Man shall not live by bread alone.” Let us learn Scripture so that we can combat temptation.