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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 17 Sep

Jonah, the reluctant evangelist come street preacher has watched an entire city, all 120,000 citizens – men, women, and children have come to faith in God. By any stretch of the imagination people would be rejoicing that God in His grace has seen fit to bring the city to Himself. Amazing! 

We are talking of people who followed pagan gods, who have set aside their gods and idols in favour of following the one true God proclaimed by Jonah. 

But, instead of Jonah rejoicing over 120,000 coming to faith, we find Jonah sulking, angry and not pleased with God. Jonah wanted to see the Ninevites suffer for the pain and hurt they caused to others. 

Jonah is angry because he feels God is letting them off easy. God in His mercy is forgiving them. Jonah is far from pleased that God is so merciful and gracious that Jonah felt was uncalled for. 

You ever felt that way. Certain people did not deserve such mercy shown to them. Has God drawn across your path people who need to hear the gospel, but you have felt they are not deserving. None of us deserve the gospel, but God is gracious. Jonah thought the Ninevites were not deserving. Do you have similar thoughts?