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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 20 Feb

Every so often in the Book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon pauses and takes a look around at what is happening as events unfold around him. We might find what Solomon is saying a little hard to discern at times. Yet what Solomon is saying is that this is what the world is like. This is the reality of the real world. He does not sugar coat what is happening. 

So when we come to chapter four, in his wisdom the real world is full of oppression. There is no one to give you comfort. And power is on the side of the oppressors. Solomon is so concerned with what he sees happening in the world, that you are better off not to see what is happening. It is a bleak picture. Yet sadly, we have to agree that Solomon is right. The world is full of oppression. 

In order to help us in the challenges of this world, there is great value in having friends. You will achieve far more with a friend. If you happen to fall, a friend is there to help you stand up again. A friend will provide comfort when needed. A friend will help you in time of trouble. If attacked they will stand with you. They will be there to spur you on through the difficulties. 

Solomon’s words on friendship reminds us of the hymn, “What a friend we have in Jesus?” Have you experienced the friendship of Jesus Christ?