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Rev. Peter Greiner

Sun 14 May

Some years back at an Olympic Games in the sport of rowing, an Australian team was in the medal hunt. The boat was coming close to the finish line when one of the rowers slumped over in the boat. The rower simply ran out of energy. The team mates were not impressed particularly at an elite Olympic level. It should not happen that an Olympic athlete would simply run out of puff. Each rower is dependent on the others to get them through to the finish line. 

In one sense what Joshua was attempting to do with the Israelites was to get them to the finish line of the Promised Land. They were to work together to achieve the goal of the finish line. Already we have seen the tribes on the east side of the Jordan helped the tribes on the west side win the battle for the Promised Land. Now each of the tribes were being asked to give a portion of their inheritance to their brothers in the tribe of Levi, the priestly tribe. 

We, as followers of Christ can work together to see people come to Christ. Such working together can be on a one to one basis. Or working together as a congregation. Or working with other churches to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Joshua used the combined resources of the Israelites to achieve the Promised Land. How can you use your gifts to build the kingdom?